Tue. Mar 25th, 2025
Space Saving Coffee Maker

At a time when the biggest fear of offices is about getting cluttered and having no place to keep their inventory, you do not want to have a coffee maker that takes up half the table. For your consideration, we bring the space saving coffee maker. There are actually a number of features that make it irresistible to purchase. Continue reading to find out more about the product.

nearby coffee plug

A host of features:

  • Pause and serve feature: If you are in the mood for having only one cup and cannot find anyone else to have another, you can just choose to pause the function of the machine. It will wait till you get another craving or someone else walks up to share a cup with you.
  • Delay brewing feature: It helps you set the brewing feature up to a day in advance. What it means for you is that you can already plan on having your next cup of coffee while you drink your cup today. You can set the machine to make another batch after a period of 24 hours.
  • Keeping warm: Keeping your coffee warm was never any easier. The plate that lies at the bottom does the function for you. So even if you get a little late in getting you daily cup, it will wait for an hour with the warm cup for you. At the end of the tie, it will automatically shut off and go to sleep to preserve further energy units.
  • Power cord: Eve if you are unable to reach the nearby coffee plug, you can make use of the charger at the back to extend the cord and plug it into a socket that lies further away.
  • 4 cups: At one go, you can make up to 4 cups of coffee. Thus proving it perfect for gatherings and other occasions. You never have to get up multiple numbers of times for making coffee for guests.

On top of all these features, the product is available at an easy price. You can easily accommodate it in your monthly budget.