Stephen Varanko Talks About The Key Components Of Organizational Leadership

Organizational leadership broadly is a type of management approach in which the leaders aid in setting strategic goals for an organization, while also motivating individuals within a group to carry out certain assignments successfully that facilitate those goals. Stephen Varanko points out that the organizations today usually do not enjoy the luxury of stability as they have to quite often deal with changes and evolution in the markets, technology, and customers. Hence, it is important for companies to have competent leadership that can adopt and implement changes in their distinct business model as per the evolving customer preferences, trends, and technologies.

Effective leadership is among the vital factors that help in making an organization successful, and plays a major role in making sure that all the components of the company world smoothly. Stephen Varanko underlines that only a good leader can inspire and influence the employees to perform their tasks with utmost competence and efficiency. Stephen has been active in organizational leadership positions since high school, and hence has quite a good idea about this domain. He often took a leadership role among his peers, and even served as the president of the student government and the honor council.

Stephen Varanko mentions that a robust organizational leadership needs to have certain important components. Here are some of them:

  • Worldview: Organizational leadership involves developing a good understanding of one’s own worldview, as well as that of the others. It involves knowing the attitudes, opinions, beliefs of people, and also the forces that can influence them. People in a leadership position at a company should try and develop a composite worldview of the organization, which would help them to understand each person working there in a better fashion and aid them to effectively lead the firm.
  • Strength: Successful leadership includes managing the weakness and capitalizing on the strengths of the team members, as well as an organization as a whole. A leader must have the knack of recognizing the natural talent of people in order to encourage them to hone those skills and turn it into strength with valuable knowledge.
  • Ethics: A stable set of ethics is crucial to organizational leadership. Ethics enables leaders to properly balance loyalty and truth, justice, and mercy, as well as individuals and communities. Ethics must never be a compromise or inoculation, it should be more like a lens through which leaders view a certain situation and make their decision. Effective leaders utilize ethics to make a sound judgment without compromising on their moral compass or the company benefit.
  • Communication: Leadership cannot happen without a consistent and positive flow of communication. Effective communication involves acquiring a good understanding of the expectations, beliefs, assumptions, and values of people, and look past all differences that one might have to reach a positive conclusion.

Stephen Varanko says that leadership becomes crucial for the execution of work in almost any company, as teamwork and group efforts tend to be vital in realizing the organizational goals.